TRIVAL utilizes state of the art hybrid wind+sun renewable energy systems.
Wind energy is distributed through
4 retractable VETROsails where two central sails contain three
VETAR 15 wind turbines each, while two lateral contain two VETAR 15 turbines each, in all totaling 150 kW of installed wind energy.
This is not possible by using conventional wind turbines of same power output as they are too large.
It is important to know that at the sea winds are much stronger and more sustained than winds at the land with global average wind velocity above ocean beeing around 8 m/s at 10 m height which is double of that on land.
Solar energy is implemented through efficient thin film solar panels that are lightweight and give better power production in shady and cloudy environment than traditional PV. Solar are mostly spread at the top of the ship to have the best exposure from to sun. Due to small shadow from the VETROsails solar can be used jointly with wind turbines with negligible shadow impediment.
Expected wind/solar ratio in total power generation will depend very much of the weather and latitude but in general 75% of total power will come from wind turbines while the rest of 25% from solar panels. In average, joint power production will be at least 80kWh per hour or 2MWh daily.
In addition TRIVAL will have at least 30MWh of hybrid battery-hydrogen storage systems thus enabling it to travel 5 hours at maximum 93 km/h (50 knots) or to travel 8000 km at 18.5 km/h (10 knots) just on stored electricity. It will take 8-15 day, in average, to fully recharge the power storage while being anchored or in the full sailing mode at average 11 km/h (6 knots) velocity powered by 8 m/s wind pushing against the VETROsails.
TRIVAL geometry is that of trimaran that gives it unprecedented stability and safety at high seas as well as the most optimum configuration for achieving the highest velocity with minimum drag. With compartmentalized design, advanced material and added buoyancy it will be one the safest, fastest and most advanced ships ever designed.